Thursday, January 24, 2013

Toilet Trauma!

I'm not sure if every mom has a moment like this or not, but here we go: Tonight while David was at Scouts, I was playing with Malarie and then had to pee really bad. So I picked Mal up and headed upstairs. I laid her down on our bed (in the middle with her feet toward the side of the bed, so that she wouldn't roll off) and went into the bathroom. I left the door open that connects the bathroom to our bedroom so that I could keep an eye on Malarie and talk to her so she'd know she wasn't alone. Well, much to my dismay as I started to slow down, but still mid stream, Malarie started rolling over and over and over! I almost had a heart attack and had to jump off the toilet to make sure she didn't roll off the end of the bed- you get the idea, peed down my legs a bit and in my pants! BUT I saved the baby, I'm sure I get a few points for that...right? Lesson learned, next time she's going on the floor!!